Bartering Unwanted Items for Booze

I’ve reached a new high (or low). My brother introduced me to a Montreal trade group, so I’ve begun to trade my items that have some value for booze.

I like trading. It’s a lot lower pressure than trying to sell my stuff, and I’ve met some really cool people along the way.

Here are my trades so far:

  • A $20 liquor store gift card and a bottle of wine for a sewing machine and a swath of cloth.
  • A bottle of tequila for a like-new pair of rollerblades. (My ex gave me these, I have no idea why as I don’t rollerblade.)
  • Two HEPA filters for a bottle of Beefeater Gin.
  • A refurbished netbook for a bottle of good red wine.

The alcohol is easier to store, and better yet, I might actually use it!

May the purge continue!

Bartering Unwanted Items for Booze

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